–Explain the differencesbetween the natural and social sciencesin terms of their capacityto propose and test explanations to research questions. What are the obstacles presented in the study of human behaviorin the social sciences? What are the limitations present in the social sciences that make it more difficult to have confidence in the conclusions we make in our analyses?2 –Explain how the core components of empiricism,objectivity and observation,provide a framework for thescientific research process. First, provide a definition for each of these terms. Give examplesof how objectivity is maintainedduring the research processandhow observations of behavior are made during the research process.Finally, explainwhy objective observation is important to conducting scientific research.

3 –Propose a theory and a hypothesis for the relationship between social media usage and the academic performance of college students.Indoingso, you must provide definitions for the terms social mediausageand academic performance…there are different ways of conceptualizingthese terms, so clearly explain how youare definingthese concepts.Youalso will need to identify and explain at least TWO assumptions that serve as the causal links between social media and performance. Finally, your hypothesis should clearly identify your expectation for the relationship between thetwo concepts above.*** For Question#3, I do not expect you to have prior knowledge on existing research regardingsocial media usage and academic performanceor to do any outside research or provide citations.

4 –Choose from oneof the following broad topicsthat are commonly subject to public debate–terrorism,immigration, abortion, welfare, healthcare, or climate change. Identify a relationship between two concepts that you think is important regarding the topic you’ve chosen(for example –effects of human pollution and changes in climate). Provide an (Question 4 continues on next page)

explanation of an existing viewpointonthisrelationship that you think is based on non-scientificresearch, is based on flawed logicor reasoning, is biased in some way, etc. Provide a critique of this viewpoint interms of how the public came to understand this relationship. Finally, propose an empirical, scientific research project that could further our understanding of this relationship(briefly provide atheory, hypothesis, what data would you look for to capture your two concepts