Using a text editor, create an HTML5-compliant homepage with a file name of index.htm. The page should include the following page sections:
Header: Include the organization name and logo.
Navigation: Include links to all site pages (including the homepage).
Content: This section will later be customized for each of the site pages. For the home page, it should, at a minimum, consist of information that introduces the organization.
Footer: Include secondary navigation, copyright notice, or other text of your choosing.
Be sure to:
Include the following tags in the code: title, article, section, head, header, html, body, footer, nav, and doctype.
Make sure to include developer comments for each page section to explain or describe the coding.
Include a comment block at the top of each of your Web pages with your name, the date, the file name, and a short blurb about what the page will consist of.
Save a copy of the homepage and name it template.html. Remove the content that you placed in the “Content” section. This file will serve as a template to be used later to create the other four pages of your site.
Make sure to do the following:
Submit error-free HTML5 code.
Create a Web page that demonstrates the accurate use of specified HTML5 tags.
Create Web page elements that accurately reflect design requirements.
Write developer comments to describe and explain code.
Once completed, view your pages in your selected Web browsers to see if the content renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, ensure that your HTML code is HTML5 compliant. You may use the Markup Validation Service from W3C for testing this, linked in the Resources under the Suggested Resources heading. Important: Take a screen capture of your validation results and save it for submission.
Note: Errors from the validation should be fixed. However, warnings do not need to be fixed but should be reviewed. Fix the issues from the top down as one error can cascade into many other errors.
Hint: If you are using Brackets as your enhanced text editor, there is a live preview feature that will allow you to see the results of your code as you enter it. This will help you to quickly identify if you may be missing a closing tag or an attribute.
Additional Requirements
Submit your work in the courseroom using a single zip file containing the following:
image_and_url.doc. Include a Word document with:
URLs for each of your pages.
Names of the browsers you used to view the pages.
Pasted image from your validation screen capture.
Any ancillary files such as graphic or photos you may have decided to include.
Upload your Web site files to a hosting service of your choice. Two free sites to consider are and, linked in the Resources under the Suggested Resources heading.
Note: If you are uncertain on how to upload your files to a Web host, you can find assistance in the Web sites linked in the Resources under the Suggested Resources heading.