Module code and title:             LC473 Making Sense of Society: The Sociological Imagination

Module leader:                         Samina Shafieq

Assignment no. and type:       CW1 Written Assignment

Assessment weighting:          100%

Submission date:                    19/11/2020 before 14.00

Target feedback date:             4 weeks later

Assignment task

Research the family history of a significant public person (or a person from your own family or friends network). Examine this person’s experience of TWO of the following themes:

  • Migration and globalisation
  • Gender and/or Sexuality
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Family
  • Social inequalities

Discuss and explain your chosen themes using the academic literature. Weave into your assignment examples from the person’s life that link to your discussion of the themes as well as a discussion of the ways in which structure and agency have been influential in this person’s life.

Word count: 1,500 words (not including references)

Learning outcomes

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

1  Apply their sociological imagination to help them understand debates in contemporary societies.

2  Demonstrate broad understanding of emerging sociological issues

3Apply academic study and writing skills