This essay should be at least 5 pages: 4 text pages long and a separate Works Cited page; it should take a position on an arguable issue. Arguable in terms of this assignment means the issue can be supported factually and rationally with research and analysis.
Your introduction should include your claim/thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be clear, specific and focused. In your research you will need to find articles (both scholarly (at least one) and mainstream press) that support or argue for or against your viewpoint and build a framework in your essay that not only supports your view but also examines the counter arguments.
You will need to back up each claim you make within the argument. Your aim is to persuade your audience; thus you must use credible sources to back up everything you say. You will use summary, direct quotes, and paraphrases. You will cite all your sources correctly in the text as well as prepare a Works Cited page using MLA formatting.
I. Introduction
A. General Background Information (1-2 sentences)
a. Attention grabbing intro
b. Who, What, When, Where – establish topic
B. Write your Thesis Statement
Ex: Traditional dating has been replaced with technology, such as on-line dating, texting and hook-ups.
a. an arguable sentence, which is debatable and worth proving
C. Summarize Body Paragraph Sub-points / Arguments (1 sentence)
a. Present arguments in order in which they appear

II. Sub-topic/Topic Sentence (linked to thesis):
A. Supporting Point/Argument:
a. Proof/Evidence (quotes, examples, statistics, anecdote, etc.)
b. Explanation of proof (effects? significance? How does this
prove your thesis?)
c. address the opposition
B. Supporting Point/Argument:
a. Proof/Evidence
b. Explanation of proof (effects? significance? How does this
prove your thesis?)
c. Address the opposition