Assignment Brief recommendations. (2000 Words count)
Please follow these instructions:
1. Executive summary
2. Introduction (HR, Managing People in General)

3. Contemporary issues face line management when it comes to People
Choose (two) of the following and give example for each with theories:
– Employee Wellbeing
– Employee Relation
– Trust
– Leadership Development
– Adapting to Innovation
– Management Changes
– Compensation
– Compliance with Laws and Regulation
– Training and Development
– Recruitment and Selection
– Retaining Employees (Talent Management)
– Diversity and discrimination
– Flexibility

4. Knowledge Skills and Behaviors needed to be an effective People Manager
Choose (Two) of the following and give example for each with theories:
– Planning (Management Functions)
– Good communication. …
– Decision Making Skills
– Team Building. …
– Leadership. …
– Delegation Skills
– Ability to Deal with Changes Effectively. …
– Domain Knowledge
– Problem Solving
– Motivating

5. What HR process underpin and support management when it comes to effective performance management
-Performance Management Review
-360 Degree Appraisal
6. Recommendations
7. Conclusion
8. References (Havard) minimum of 10 references to be provide

Please focus on
1. Analysis and Application ………………………………………………………40%
2. Knowledge and Understanding…………………………………………….20%
3. Evaluation…………………………………………………………………………….20%
4. Research skills……………………………………………………………………….10%
5. Assignment parameters………………………………………………………….10%

Are UK organizations getting better at managing their people?” CIPD 2014 (available at:

There is no one size fits all approach to managing people, however it is recognized that there needs to be an understanding of the knowledge, skills and behaviors needed by management in order to be an effective people manager.

Managers cannot face managing people alone and need the support of HR in order to underpin their performance management work on the front line. COVID 19 has certainly impacted the way Managers, HR and the workforce interact, and there are many issues faced by management when it comes to managing people that they may not have encountered before. This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1 Demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge, skills and behavior’s to be an effective people manager.
LO 2 Identify and evaluate key HR processes which underpin the performance management of people at work.
LO 3 Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary issues facing line managers relating to people management.