Watch Trendkite videos and read Lesson 1 and 2 from the PowerPoint, and answer all 5 questions.

In this assignment, you need to:

1) Identify Trendkite problems and write down 5 ways in which those problems could be solved

2) Select a Solution that is:

a) Novel for Trendkite

b) Sustainable for Trendkite

3) Is Trendkite solution Evolutionary or Revolutionary? Why?

4) Define Trendkite’s solution

a) What demographic (grouping of people) is willing to pay for this solution?
b) How much would they pay
c) Is this solution a product or service?

5) For your presentation, propose your solution to the problem. Be sure to incorporate why this solution is novel and sustainable.

Instruction to follow on how to write the paper:

When answering each question, provide analysis, your insight and interpretation. DO NOT WRITE WORD BY WORD OF WHAT THE PERSON ON THE VIDEO SAYS.

Professor instruction about the paper: “Short answers and a rehash of what the PowerPoints says will not get you an A. I am MOST INTERESTED in your opinions and your interpretation of what you may find in the PowerPoints. Fair Warning for the video: do not write down his/her responses to the questions, you will not do well on it. There is nothing entrepreneurial about that! For a higher grade, add a more detailed analysis and your insights and interpretation or the material needs to be included.”

Videos and PowerPoints are located on the “Additional Materials.”

MAKE SURE TO WATCH THE VIDEOS AND READ THE POWERPOINTS. Watching the videos and reading the PowerPoints will helps you to answer each question.

Font size: 8 points

Number of pages: 2 pages single spaced