In this exercise, you will be given the opportunity to solve a medical mystery.
Below are three descriptions of three different illnesses. Each illness is caused by a type of bacteria (they are NOT caused by viruses).
Choose ONE of the three cases described below. Then determine which type of bacteria caused that illness and complete the assignment by following the outlined guidelines:
A. Write a typed, well-constructed (complete sentences, proper grammar) report of not more than three double spaced page (4 points for construction of paper, grammar, and spelling).
Answer each of the 6 questions below- make sure you devote at least one paragraph to answering each one (8 points foreach question).
1. What microorganism causes this disease? Make sure to give the name of the bacteria in proper binomial nomenclature and discuss any virulence factors or specific traits of this bacteria that influences the disease.
2. What is your diagnosis (i.e. what is the disease), and what specific features within the case were critical to your diagnosis of this disease?
3. How is this disease transmitted?
4. How is the disease treated? Make sure to be specific on types of treatments used and timing of treatment needed.
5. What symptoms might the patient develop if the disease is not treated?
6. What is the prognosis with treatment?