Unit – Organisational Behaviour


You currently work as a Junior Consultant at a Management Consultancy Firm that provides advice on organisational behaviour as a concept and practice to business organisations. The firm as part of its business outreach initiative publishes a quarterly magazine and employees are required as part of their professional development to research on organisational behaviour topics and concepts and present as articles for publication.

You have been invited to research and write an article for publication in the upcoming November edition of the consultancy’s magazine on Organisational Culture; Power; Politics and Employee Motivation. You are required to research various organisational cultures and motivational theories for the purpose and to use an organisation of your choice ideally a large organisation as a case study for the purpose of producing the article.

The research should aim at producing an article that Critically Evaluates the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation that enables teams and organisations to succeed providing justified recommendations.
As Guidance, the article Must evidence an Analysis of how your chosen organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance and an Evaluation of how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in the context of your chosen organisation.
The quality and depth of the article can be enhanced by further researching and presenting a Critical Analysis of how the culture, politics and power of your chosen organisation can influence individual and team behaviour and performance and a Critical Evaluation of how to influence the behaviour of others through the effective application of behavioural motivational theories, concepts and models


1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance.
Critically Analyse how the culture, politics and power of an organisation can influence individual and team behaviour and performance.

2. Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context.
Critically Evaluate how to influence the behaviour of others through the effective application of behavioural motivational theories, concepts and models

3. Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.
Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development of cooperation within effective teams.

4. Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational context and given business situation.
Evaluate how concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour inform and influence behaviour within a given business situation

Resources and useful links

ARCHER, D. and CAMERON, A. (2013) Collaborative Leadership; Building Relationships, Handling Conflict and Sharing Control. 2nd Ed. London: Routledge.
BY, R.T. and BURNES, B. (2013) Organizational Change, Leadership and Ethics: Leading Organisations Towards Sustainability. London: Routledge.
HUCZYNSKI, A. and BUCHANAN, D. (2013) Organisational Behaviour. 8th Ed. Harlow: Pearson. LEVI, D. (2014) Group Dynamics for Teams. 4th Ed. London:
SAGE. ROLLINSON, D. (2008) Organisational Behaviour and Analysis: An Integrated Approach. 4th Ed. London: Pearson.