Part 1: Reflections on the Unit on the Qur’an

Post a brief reflection (150-200 words) on what, if anything you learned from this Unit. Did anything new occur to you that you hadn’t thought of before? Were any of your earlier beliefs/understandings reaffirmed, if so, how? Were you challenged in any ways? Why?

Part 2: Reflections on the experiential learning questions and activities

Think back to the activities we have done over the past couple of weeks such as standing on one foot and balancing, meditating in silence, the stickperson activity, the sacrificing a loved one activity, the swapping rooms with your nanny/maid activity, the changing the Qiblah activity, etc. How have any of these activities impacted you and your understanding of the books we have been studying so far? Post a brief 150-200 word reflection.

Part 3: The Guru Granth Sahib

Do a brief Google search on the “Guru Granth Sahib,” the holy book of Sikhism. What does the book’s title mean? Who wrote it? When was it written? What kind of content does it contain e.g. laws, prayers, advice, teachings, etc.?

Go to the Course Documents Folder on “Sikhism” and read through the “Uplifting Verses – Guru Nanak”

Go to the Guru Granth Sahib pdf and search the pdf for the word “love.” Read the passages that mention “love” in the pdf.
Post a brief reflection on anything that you find inspiring, beautiful, challenging, or confusing from what you read in the “Uplifting Verses – Guru Nanak” pdf and/or in the Guru Granth Sahib pdf.