Use Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare in Tallahassee, Florida as the example organization. This is an online/not local school so most of this can be made up/loosely correct.
Write a 4–5 page critical appraisal of an organization’s strategic plan from the perspective of a nurse executive, taking into consideration the organization’s mission, vision, and other contextual factors.
A strategic plan is constructed from a clear, well-articulated vision and a comprehensive environmental scan. An analysis of the internal and external environments provides a clear picture of the current state and the potential hurdles to overcome in reaching the desired future state. Leaders can then establish goals and objectives that are specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, timely, and rewarding.
Strategic objectives balance short-term and long-term opportunities and consider the needs of all key stakeholders. From the objectives flow the strategies and tactics for achieving the goals. Building skill in strategic planning positions the DNP nurse as one who makes things happen.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to critically examine an organization’s strategic plan. An understanding of the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities is crucial to departmental strategic planning that aligns with, and supports, organizational priorities.