Topic Questions – Complex Nursing care

Each topic questions may require different attached documents to read, these will be written in red for reference.

Topic 1

Topic 2 questions

  1. Select ONE of the conditions listed below:
    • Breast Cancer
    • Hearing loss
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • COPD
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
  1. Complete the following questions and tasks:
    • What is the prevalence of the condition in the Australian population?
    • Identify the physiological structures relevant to your allocated condition.
    • Identify/list the functional changes that may be observed in an individual diagnosed with your allocated condition.
    • Discuss the considerations for nursing management of a patient with this condition relative to the information identified in tasks 2 & 3. Hint: consider context of care delivery when developing your response.

Topic 3

Multimorbidity and quality care

Part A:

  1. Select one of the following conditions and complete the ‘Chronic Care Plan’ templatefor the same: Attached is Chronic Care Plan template.
  • Arthritis (rheumatoid or osteo)
  • Gout
  • Asthma
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes

Part B:

  1. Select a second condition from the list provided in Part A.

  2. You are now presented with a single patient who has been diagnosed with both of the conditions.
  3. Answer the following questions:
  1. How might the presence of both these conditions effect the diagnosis/symptom presentations for this patient?
  2. Are any elements of the care plan (prescribed interventions/activities) incompatible?
  3. Are there any issues relating to interactions between medications used to treat these conditions?
  4. How is the patients’ selfcare/care-coordination impacted by the presence of both conditions?

Topic 4

  1. Select ONE of the following physical or social environmental factors that contribute to health care complexity:
    • Poor air quality
    • Poor water quality
    • Poor housing quality
    • Poor/underdeveloped personal support and relationship structures
    • Low socioeconomic status
    • Poor access to definitive medical care (e.g. living in remote location in Australia).
  2. Provide 5 examples (dot points with a brief explanation) regarding how your chosen topic may influence the delivery and/or management of nursing care for an individual with complex care requirements. You can use this to a specific disease/condition or environmental setting to provide context for your answers if this helps.

Topic 5

  • Review Julie’s case study from. Read attached case study
  1. Select either of the following questions relating to personal factors or participation;

Personal factors

  1. Select TWOof the following personal factors relevant to Julie’s situation. Briefly outline why they are relevant and if they increase or reduce the level of situational complexity experienced by Julie.
      • Race
      • Age
      • Culture
      • Lifestyle
      • Upbringing
      • Life events
      • Educational background
      • Coping strategies
      • Personality traits
      • Regular exercise
  1. Discuss the nursing management considerations for both factors you have selected (be sure to consider geographical and social context).

Activities and Participation

  1. In relation to Julie’s case study, list FIVEfunctions and activities essential for Julie to maintain her health, manage her ADLs and IDLs (consider locality and access to essential services).
  2. Select TWOof these functions and activities and discuss how they (positively or negatively) influence complexity for Julie.
  3. Discuss the nursing management considerations for both four factors you have selected (be sure to consider geographical and social context).

Topic 6

  1. Select one of the following organisations/programs:
    • Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
    • Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS)
    • Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS)
    • Telehealth
  2. Then, answer the following questions;
    • What is the main purpose of this organisation/program?
    • Which level of government is responsible for governance? How is funding allocated?
    • How do individuals access care provided by your selected organisation/program?
    • If relevant – are there any other programs/organisations that provide a similar service?

Topic 7

  1. Access the clinical governance QLD Nurse Navigator program – Key role principles website (review website content).
  2. Select ONE of the 4 key role principles of nurse Navigation for complex patients;
    • Creating partnerships
    • Coordination of patient centred care
    • Facilitating system improvement
    • Improving consumer outcomes
  3. Complete the following tasks;
    • Provide a brief outline of your selected key role principle.
    • Explain how this principle assists nurse navigators to address barriers to transition of care from primary to secondary care (and vice versa).
    • Select Julie’s case study from topic 1 and provide three examples of how this key role principle would improve nursing management for this individual. Use attached case study of Julie
      Topic 8
  1. Select ONE of the videos/websites from this weeks Moodle content

  1. Complete the following activities:
    • Provide a brief description of the program/innovation you have chosen.
    • In relation to your chosen case study, discuss the following:
      • How might this program/innovation aid the management of your patient’s health care needs (provide examples)?
      • Are there any barriers/limitations to the use of this program/innovation for your patient?
      • Does this innovation/program require collaboration with other healthcare professionals? If so how would you arrange/manage the same?
      • Identify one other program/organisation/innovation that would assist in the management of your client’s complex health care requirements. NOTE you cannot use the remaining programs listed above for this task – this must be original and specific to your client’s unique situation.

Note: Do not rely solely on the video/website resource to complete this task, You will need to do further research relating to your chosen program/innovation.

Topic 9

  1. Review Nel’s case study
  2. Answer one of the following questions;
    • Complete the chronic conditions risk calculator for Nel. Discuss why forming a good therapeutic relationship is important early in a complex care journey.
    • Discuss what you think Nel’s priorities are about forming goals for her shared care plan? Create some care plan goals that align with Nel’s situation and concerns.
    • You are asked to act as the care coordinator for Nel at the Youbeaut clinic. Discuss three skills/attributes a Registered Nurse requires to fulfill this role.
    • As the care coordinator, your role involves managing the multidisciplinary team involved with Nel’s care. Identify the members of this team and briefly discuss their roles.