Team Chat Details and Protocol

You will conduct and participate in a minimum of four (4) team chats throughout the semester during the week as stated in the syllabus.
Each team will have the flexibility to schedule the date and time they wish to hold their chats during the week as stated in the syllabus.
Once a team has made a schedule, identify one (1) team member who will send to Dr. Nottingham the schedule. Send the schedule in Canvas mail with the Subject Line: Team A or Team B, and so on.
Be sure to note the team leader next to the topic for each chat. There are 4 team chats.
This team leader is the individual who will facilitate the discussion for at least one team chat.
Students are expected to rotate and lead at least one of the chats.
The topic prompt is already available to you as noted in the syllabus.
Team members are expected to research the topics if he/she is not as acquainted with the topic. Remember that this is a learning experience and sharing information in the chat is the objective and learning is the outcome.
Information that you will find useful later is how to report your team’s participation. First, make a note to refer to this announcement after your team holds its final team chat. Second, you must maintain your own log to report the topic and attendance. Each student must submit their own Team Chat Reflection Log.

REMEMBER that each student must submit his/her chat log as points are assigned individually. You are only responsible for maintaining your log.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

You may use any preferred mode of phone/teleconferencing such as Zoom, Conference NOW, Skype, or Go to Meeting.

Decide on one mode, i.e., Zoom, Skype, etc., for holding the chats.

Create your schedule. Do not schedule longer than 60 minutes as to allow everyone time to work at a reasonable pace in the course.

Conduct your chat and enjoy the collaboration and conversation! Please create a basic format of reflection on each chat subject. a brief summary for each. The leading person should be mentioned. Please see attachment.