Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

Assignment Brief

Task 1

In the period of your training, you were assigned student who you mentored or coached over a period to help the student achieve a goal. You are now required to

  1. Analyse the  similarities and differences between teaching, coaching and mentoring and summarize the responsibilities that your role entailed.  AC 1.1, 1.2
  2. Review the effectiveness of your role in helping the student achieving goal as a coach, or mentor or as a teacher.  AC 1.3
  3. Review the processes involved in one-to-one coaching, mentoring and teaching in relation to emotional, intellectual and social benefits for students. AC 4.1

Approximate Word Count – 1500 words.

Task 2

  1. In your role, identify at least FIVE strategies that you used in helping the student and state why you chose those strategies. AC: 2.1
  2. Review the resources required for an effective multi-agency approach and explain the factors that influence the referral process.  AC:  1, 3.2    Approximate Word Count – 1500 words

Task 3

  1. Analyse the effectiveness of own practice and  your own strengths and areas for improvement in  relation to one-to-one role with students. AC 5.1  Approximate  Word Count – 700 words
  2. Develop a Five (5) point action plan (SMART), dentify  your own strengths and area for development to help improve your skills in relation to one-to-one teaching and learning situations (e.g. mentoring, coaching, and tutoring).

AC: 5.2, 5.3   Approximate Word Count – 500 words

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and unit amplification

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit.

The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
LO1 Understand the roles and responsibilities of a coach, mentor and teacher in relation to working  with individual students