It is a criminal law coursework and you have to Explain, illustrate and critically assess the current state of the law relating to consent and non-fatal offences against the person.
It must be word processed in 11 point font Arial and double spaced. It must include a bibliography. The page limit for the answer is 6 pages (excluding the front submission form, any permitted title page, your endnotes and your bibliography). While the page limit excludes the bibliography and endnotes, please note that the use of lengthy endnotes (i.e. containing substantive information and arguments) is inappropriate. Any such substantive information or arguments in endnotes will be disregarded.


Tutor to identify those skills considered particularly relevant to this task and to identify additional skills, if required:

1. ability to understand concepts central to the question
2. correct citation of authorities and other sources
3. understanding of the precedent system (especially stare decisis) and routes of appeal
4. ability to isolate the ratio(nes) of decided case(s)
5. accurate reference to judges and other actors within the system
6. ability to interpret statutory material
7. research skills
8. demonstration of analytical powers
9. capacity to question and criticise as well as summarise
10. clarity of expression and avoidance of ambiguity
11. ability to draw relevant conclusions
12. general presentational skills