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Use the attached materials to complete the following:

Read the Case Study of Alice.

Use the Capella Library to complete the following:

Read Chapter 4, “Attachment Theory,” in Bhugra and Dilys’s 2004 text, Models of Psychopathology.

Use your DSM-5 text to complete the following:

Read “Neurodevelopmental Disorders,” pages 31–86.

Case Study of Alice

Review the case of Alice (in Resources). This will be used in this unit’s second discussion as well as this graded assignment. Submit your response to these questions:

What differential diagnostic possibilities does Alice’s case suggest, and what are your choices of DSM-5 and ICD-9-CM (or ICD-10) diagnoses?

Justify the reasons for your choice of diagnosis or diagnoses, including the final selection(s).

Evaluate the effects of client data sources on the diagnostic reliability and validity.

Assess the role of family determinants in Alice’s presentation using the theoretical orientation of your choice.

Argue the pros and cons of keeping the selected diagnosis in an upcoming DSM.

Important: Since you will also be posting this assessment for discussion in this unit, it is important that you complete this assessment in a timely manner.

Please read the Case Study Response Format Guide in the Resources section to assist you with this assignment, and be sure you understand the Scoring Guide for this assignment.