1. D) Identify a current issue within your chosen field and critically discuss what impact it is having or may have on your future profession. Max 500 words.


As a result of the European (Withdrawal agreement) Act 2020, a new Australian style ‘point-based’ system will be introduced after the Brexit transition period (1 January 2021). This will mean, freedom of movement, by which EU/EEA/Swiss citizens have used to move freely to the UK to live, work, or study since 1992 will ultimately end. Under the new proposed immigration system, EU/EEA/Swiss citizens will have to meet the restrictive and ‘crude’ requirements to qualify for a visa. These include, earning a minimum salary of £25,600, have a job offer from an approved employer for a middle-skilled job or higher and speak English to a required level. Because of this, 70% of the 200,000 migrants from EU who move to the UK each year will be excluded. These include low-skilled, low-wage migrants from the EU and high-skilled applicants who did not obtain a job offer or sponsors.

Because of the new proposed immigration system, Immigration law solicitors will be negatively impacted. For instance, because of the harsh rules, immigration for industries that relies on low-skilled EU migrants (e.g. construction, businesses and social care) will significantly decline. This will consequently reduce profits and demand for Immigration solicitors. Due to the decrease in clients, Immigration law firms may be hindered to recruit aspiring Immigration solicitors and will be hesitant to offer training contracts to students or graduates.