Assignment 2B – Book Analysis

Description:  For better or worse, popular press management books have become a major part of the personal effectiveness process for managers. This assignment requires you to read, review and critique a popular press book relating to the interpersonal business skills discussed in class. You should select a book that is relevant to your own personal plan for improving your personal effectiveness as a manger. These research papers will be distributed to all class members for review (a valuable resource for all of us if the reviews are done well). See the suggested readings list posted on CuLearn for ideas on which book may be interesting and valuable for your own personal development. No student in the class can choose the same book. Students should ‘sign-up’ for their book review on the CuLearn Discussion topic entitled ‘Book Report’. Books will be allocated on a first post basis (whoever posts that they are reviewing a certain book first, gets that book)

The following is a suggested outline for your profile report.

  • Title page
    • Include the full APA formatted reference as well as a picture of the front cover, # of pages, and a quick review (125 words or less), your rating (out of 5 stars).
  • Introduction (.5 pages)
    • Get the reader’s attention
    • Provide a clear road map for your analysis
    • Offer a clear thesis statement
  • Analysis and comparison to top academic research (2-3 pages)
    • What are the main topics covered in the book (relevant to BUSI 3104)?
    • How does the information in the book compare to academic journals written on the same topic?
    • How can this book help improve performance at work?
    • Is there any additional research on the topics in the book that you feel would enhance the book?
  • Personal effectiveness (1 page)
    • How can this book help graduates in their career?
    • How can the academic literature related to this book help graduates in their career?
  • Conclusion (.5 pages)
    • Summarize your main points.
    • What is your overall rating of this book and the related literature?
      • Would you recommend this book for other students in 3104?
      • What did you think of the author(s) (i.e. would you read another book by your author)?


  • Accepted paper length = 3-5 pages. Standard formatting rules apply (double spaced, normal margins and font size)
  • Please submit an electronic version (.docx) via CuLearn with the file name (LastNameFirstName – Asgnt #2B Book – Title of your Book – BUSI 3104)
  • You may use the first person writing style as this is a reflection piece.

Grading: The report will be graded out of 25 marks and is worth 25% of your final grade. You will be graded on the formatting of the report, the grammar, and the content in your report (i.e. the quality of your analysis and self-reflection). APA (6th edition) referencing style should be used for referencing.


  • Do not waste time summarizing the book. This paper should be a thoughtful analysis of the topics covered in your book.
  • Take some time to select a good book that you like. You may change your book at any time provided you let me know.
  • You can choose any book you would like to read as long as you get approval from the instructor. I will be very accommodating a primary goal of this assignment is to have you enjoy the book you choose.