All papers will be reviewed by Turintin for plagiarism. if you do not submit your paper to this it will not be accepted.
Late papers are subject to a reduction in points.
The paper must be 8 to 10 pages not including title page, ancillary pages, or resources.
There must be at least five resources, not including the textbook. The textbook can be used but there must be five additional academic or professional sources.
Points will be deducted for poor grammar, misspelled words, and failure to document sources.
The paper must be in APA format.

The assignment – Review the list of famous or popular strikes in recent history from this website:

Pick two of the strikes and use them in your paper.

Compare and contrast the situation that caused the strikes by answering the following questions:

1. What is the difference between the two strikes that you chose?

2. How does the management treatment of employees or labor in one strike different from the other?

3. What are the commonalities of the two strikes that you chose?

4. What are the significant differences that set the two apart?

5. What was the cause of the strikes?

6. What could management have done differently to avoid the strikes if possible?

7. What was the outcome of the strikes?

8. Whom would you consider to be the winner; management, labor, or both?

Use these questions to develop your paper, but the paper should NOT be a series of questions and answers.