Write your paper on a teaching practice you judge is particularly useful to motivate students.

Your paper should introduce the teaching practice and relate it to its theoretical perspective.

Use 5 to 7 articles to develop a focused thesis statement. Support your thesis with arguments and evidence from these articles, and introduce counterarguments and rebuttals. (Use APA guidelines)

Chosen topic : I have chosen the topic Goal settings.

Social cog theory focuses on expectency and value theories. Now proceed with this……Expectancy –value theory on motivation (teaching practice for increasing students motivation)

Theoretical perspective: social cog theory

Criteria to judge argumentation

1.Thesis statement :

Focused/ specific


example: I argue that highlighting is an effective learning strategy that enhances information processing and review.

2. Arguments:Relate to thesis statement

3. Evidence :Provide support to arguments

4. Counterargument :Reasonable objection to thesis statement