Select an example of a television show or movie and analyze how social class is framed in your example. Your analysis should include the following components:

Describe the example in enough detail that someone who isn’t familiar with the show/movie can get a clear understanding of it.
Discuss specific points about how social class is depicted in your example, rather than just talking about it generally.
Identify the specific type(s) of framing used (e.g. consensus framing, admiration framing, caricature framing, middle-class values framing, etc), making sure to clearly define the type(s) of framing you see and explain why your example demonstrates that type of framing.
Discuss the impact of your example’s framing of social class on the viewer.
You should make sure to draw directly on the Kendall reading (“Framing Class, Vicarious Living, and Conspicuous Consumption”) in your discussion, referring to specific points that Kendall makes, but you should be sure to select an example that is not one that she uses. And while this is not required, you may want to include a link to a clip from the show/movie that illustrates your points, and/or include still images that do the same.