Select one of the treaties from this week’s reading. Consider the context tis specific treaty was occurring within. Identify and describe 3-4 intersections or cause and effect relationships you can see between the experiences of the Tribal Nation(s) involved in the treaty you selected form this weeks’ reading and the legal / historical material we read last week (Chapter 3 in the Cases & Materials in U.Ss Federal Indian Law & Policy text).

What do you notice about this treaty?
What do you wonder about this treaty experience?
What intersections between the legal / historical elements of treaty law (from last week) and the historical tribal experiences explored in our reading this week?
Where do you suspect or see clearly identifiable cause and effect relationships between the legal (Case Law) perspective and that of the Nation to Nation texts portrayal of the treaty experience you selected?

When we look at the treaties of specific Tribal Nations: how they occurred, what the tribal expectation / perspective was, and what was agreed to (and what was not given up), we see distinctly unique facets of each tribes’ treaty experience as well as some over-arching themes that many tribes had in common when dealing with the US Federal Government.

Select two of the treaties from this weeks’ reading. Compare and contrast the experiences of the tribe(s) involved in each of the 2 treaties you chose. Consider: their strategy, expectations, approach to negotiations, and the outcome of the treaty they entered into with the US federal government.

1. What themes do you see that are common / similar between these two treaties and the tribal nations that entered into them?

2. What significant differences / distinctions do you see in how the Indigenous nations involved in these 2 treaties strategized, negotiated, and / or interacted internally and with the US federal government?

3. To what extent do the similarities and differences in the Tribal Nations’ approaches seem to have effected the outcome or the negotiation of their treaties?