The work to go off of will be in additional materials

Please submit your edited Assessment here. The 3-4 page written report should include:

An image of the subject’s artwork.
Brief background of the subject. Do not use their real name or disclose any identifying information. Do include an initial or pseudonym, gender identity and/or pronouns, age, and brief details of your relationship (i.e. are you close or distant, is this a family member), and how they presented for the assessment—did they seem comfortable, confident, happy, etc. and how can you tell? This is the WHO of your paper.
Assessment chosen, reasoning, and method employed. This is the WHY section validating your choice of approach, materials, and assessment. If you gave them lots of choices to make, explain this approach. A high-functioning young adult participant that appears comfortable with art materials, for example, may benefit from having creative choices and find them empowering and enticing. An ageing adult that has not touched art supplies since childhood or a regressed and upset individual may benefit from more containment, guidance, and boundaries so as to avoid overwhelm.
Subject’s Response: Describe the verbal and non-verbal responses you observe in the participant, method of execution, receptivity to the directive, etc. This is the HOW. How did your participant approach the task? Where on the page did they start, and with what materials? Did they appear excited, hesitant, self-deprecating, etc.? What sort of pressure did they use; how much time did they take; did their demeanor change during the process? You can quote yourself and your participant in this section for brevity and clarity.
Analysis of the Art Product: Describe your perceptions and interpretations of the symbolic and spatial meanings and your conclusions regarding this subject’s response to the assessment. Follow the art closely! Refer to Focal Points and other assessment reading materials for guidance.
Use at least TWO properly cited sources to support your conclusions. These can be drawn from class reading materials, lecture content, or independent research.

Refer to Assessment Guidelines and the grading rubric below.

Assessment Grading Rubric
Assessment Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Formatting
Writing makes proper use of the English language in spelling, grammar, and syntax and adheres to APA or MLA style. Tone is formal/professional and appropriate t subject matter.
1.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Adherence to Assessment Structure
Demonstrates understanding of the assessment protocol and its delivery. Follows instructions and relies on course materials for support.
1.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Observation
Refers clearly to the content of the artwork and assessment session. Writer observes the participant closely and follows session progress in detail.
1.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis
Writing demonstrates understanding of the symbolic, expressive, and relational value of participant artwork, materials choices, and approach.
1.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Coherence and Organization
Writing is coherent, specific, free of run-ons and extraneous detail. The flow of writing is organized according to the assignment parameters.