create 1 page (excluding the referencing and biography) a reading note (single spacing, 12 times new Romans ) considering instructions below. The reading note is to evaluate your critical approach to evidence. It will enable the understanding of how documents make a case from evidence and how evidence should be evaluated.

In the reading note: you will consider in turn:
1. the claims of the author (what are their central ideas/arguments? Who/what are they arguing against? How do they situate themselves in the broader literature?),
2. the author’s methodologies (what guides their research? What questions do they ask/don’t they ask? What level of analysis do they adopt? What theories/concepts do they engage with? What sources do they use? What are the strengths and limits of their approach?).

What makes a good reading note?
• A good reading note is not a summary but nevertheless enable the reader to understand what the key points of the original documents are.
• A good reading note explains why the text was written and in what context.
• A good reading note is critical but not unfair. Judge whether the author has fulfilled his/her aims as set out in the introduction to the piece you are looking at.

Thank you