Assignment: Your assignment is as follows. Explore, in a short essay, your own thoughts, ideas, and insights on the topic of the materialn order to show your understanding of and reflection upon the topic.
****You should develop and support a thesis****
(“a proposition…put forward for consideration”). Thus, your thought paper should be structured as an argument, and you should clearly articulate the key point of your argument (your thesis statement) and provide supporting claims/evidence for it.

How to Think About the Assignment: Think about the assignment as follows. As you are reading the conceptual frameworks (Corporations, Culture, and Commitment: Motivation and Social Control in Organizations)), think about what we mean by the key elements of the frameworks. Consider the key takeaway, whether the takeaway was surprising to you, and why it is important. Then think about what it might imply for firms and industries, governments, and your prior work experiences or your future work context.
What you write in the thought paper is up to you, as long as it builds on the conceptual framework. There are a number of approaches you might take. One approach is to apply part of the conceptual framework to some firm or industry For example, in a thought paper on the five forces, you might say “Industry X appears to be quite attractive in many respects, but in fact, its attractiveness is undermined by extremely high barriers to exit that lead to very high rivalry.” This would be your thesis statement. Then you would follow it up with arguments to support your claim. There are other approaches. For instance, you might disagree with something in the conceptual framework and then support your claim. My objective is to get you to think actively about the conceptual frameworks and how they might be applied.

Objective: My goal is to push you to think about the conceptual frameworks in an active manner (rather than reading them passively).

Do NOT use or cite sources