
Provide a critical analysis (not a description) of a 2019 CSR report of the organisation of your choice (can be a company, an NGO, not seen in class, through) and explain how this initiative might help to construct a better society and make business (any other organisation) stronger, but as well, discuss the limitations of such practices. Your argument should be balanced and analytical (each argument must be grounded within examples, enabling to prove it. You essay must be original – For instance you are invited to write a long conclusion to extend or discuss certain aspects of your choice related to the main topics of this question. In the conclusion a personal opinion, if well-argued is more than welcome.
– CSR is written by the company so it is written in a favourable manner to the company, they show a reality that they would like which may not be true
– Certain aspects of the csr do not provide an appropriate solution but show the illusion that they do
– CSR leave out a lot of unfavourable information
– CSR is usually not done as a morale obligation to society or ecological issues but as a defence mechanism, a marketing tool and risk management to show they care and are doing what they can to solve issues that they are most likely apart of.
– A capitalist society which values profit and capita swell as making shareholders happy over the social and ecological concerns force companies to also value this because if they do not they will not be able to compete with other companies and a capitalist market values competition.
Assessment criteria
1) the student demonstrate he / she understands the principles of the Social and Environment reporting
2) the student demonstrate she/he understands the principles of ecological crisis and social justice and how CSER has been draft to offer a solution to these challenges
3) the student demonstrates that she/he can develop arguments from different parties (organisation versus society: TOP MANAGEMENT, UNION LEADER, NGO REPRESENTATIVE, HR LAWYER, MOVEMENTS)
4) the student is able to show general argument for CSER and its limitation, but as well arguments that are specifically grounded with the report they chose.
5) the student demonstrate that she/he can produce an argument based on relevant sources
6) the student shows analytical skill (analysis the be able to use various elements, that together make a point)
7) the student shows critical skill (beyond the analysis call skills, she/ he can draft conclusion, based on the evidences presented)
8) the student shows that she /he can build an original argument
9) the student develops an argument which is clear, well organized and well written (for instance, an idea per paragraph…)