INSTRUCTIONS FOR SOCPSY 2YY3 PAPERFor this assignment, you will need to read the first 17 pages of the Puhl and Brownell (2003; pages 53-70,everything up until the “Methodological Issues” section). You can skip page 13/66(the section titled Losing Weight).The article alludes to various psychological theories, models, andconcepts, that contribute to weight stigma and/or affect how people cope with it, but the specific names of the theories, models, andconcepts are not necessarily indicatedin the article, meaning that you may need to figure out which theory, model, or concept they are referring to. There are 3 partsto this assignment, each of which are described below, followed by a list of expectations for the paper (e.g., page length, etc). The paper is due on November 19that 5:30 pmPart 1Select two of the following theories, models, or concepts below.

•Social Identity Theory

•Social Exclusion Theory

•Identity Negotiation Theory•Looking Glass Theory

•Social Comparison Theory

•Stereotype Content Model

•Actor Observer Bias

•Attribution Theory

•Fundamental Attribution ErrorFor each one, you will need to:(1)identify a section in the Puhl and Brownell (2003) paper where they allude to the theory, model, or concept you have selectedusing the page number on the document (e.g., p. 53-70)(2)define or explain it in YOUR OWN WORDS. To do this, you can use information from the article as well as from the lectures or other journal articles, but it must be in your own words, and (3)explain, using an example, how the theory, model, or concept can beused to explain or understand why people have negative views towards overweight people, how people are affected by weight stigma, and/or how people cope with weight stigma. By example, I mean write about a specific hypothetical scenario.Part 2 Select ONE of the nine factors mentioned in the paper that may affect copingand (1)formulate a hypothesis about its effect on, or relationship with, coping based on the information in the articleor a theory, model, or concept discussed in lectures(2)explain the rationale for your hypothesisThe order in which you write these does not matter. You can explain your rationale and then write the hypothesis or vice versa. Part 3Find a research article (this means that it is not a “review” paper or a paper that summarizes other papers –it should have its own methods and results section, indicating that research was conducted) that supports the hypothesis you formulated in Part 2.It does not have to relate to weight stigma specifically(e.g., could be about racism or sexism or stigma, prejudice, or stereotyping more generally) and have a finding that can be extrapolatedto support your hypothesis. You can use an article that is cited in the Puhl and Brownell (2003) paper, but would be expected to find the cited paper and read it.Write a sentence linking this study to the hypothesis in Part 2 and brief summary of the paper including the following information: research aim/question+ hypothesis (if there was one), methods, results, and implications.Provide a reference for the article you select in your reference listin APA format.

Expectation for this assignment-This paper should be in APA format (this includes things like running head, page numbers, in-text citations, references, etc). -Use headers (as per APA format) to in