Using the UN Indigenous Peoples’ rights framework, evaluate the Australian Government’s approach to the Indigenous Australians. What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the UN framework that would assist in overcoming the major problems faced by the Indigenous Australians?


  • Your essay should begin with an appropriate thesis statement followed by a summary reflection of the process of Colonisation linked to Aboriginal history demonstrating a broad and nuanced understanding of the perspectives and culture of Indigenous Australians.
  • Predict and explain the critical issues that have arisen for Indigenous Australians in Business contexts as a result of the colonisation.
  • Analyse these critical issues within the UN Indigenous Peoples’ Rights framework which provides insight from an Aboriginal perspective.
  • Generate a comprehensive course of action that stems from the most important requirements of the UN Indigenous People’s Rights in a culturally diverse Business environment and provide justification for the proposed course of Action.
  • In your conclusion provide an explanation of how key cultural attitudes, bias and self-concept influence one’s own thinking about these issues

Essential Reading: There are two documents from UN you should read:

  • Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Human Rights System, Fact Sheet No.9
  • Reconciliation Australia – The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), these are both posted in the Week 5 readings
  • Please see under Assessment 2 for the other Readings:


  • Time will be devoted in class to work on the essay within your discussion groups.
  • A good place to start your essay is to use the readings for week 5 and the Lecture notes.
  • Please begin with the two (2) readings from the UN. You can use any of the other sources provided in the reading list.
  • In addition, in vUWS under week 5, there are other readings referring to development strategies from the Australian Government and the Cape York Institute that take different approaches. As with the ‘Biddle’ reading, the Cape York Institute follows a capabilities approach and you may want to use the capabilities approach to consider the issues.
  • The final part of the assessment asks you to think about your own social position and how that has influenced your thinking about the best strategy to close the “true” gap. It should be seen as a caveat to your argument in the paper. That is, you can qualify your argument by stating that your views are affected by your own social position or strengthen your argument by explaining how you have derived your analysis from an ‘initial position’.
  • You will need a minimum of 7 references that must include 3 sources you have found as a result independent research. These could be academic articles and books, textbooks or United Nations or other organization’s development proposals. Newspaper articles are not acceptable.
  • This assessment task assures course learning outcome 4.1 as follows:
  • Identify cultural issues in a variety of contexts and make recommendations for improved Business practice.