Question 3Six months ago, Tim bought a freehold factory building, together with adjoining land, fromFred. The property was correctly registered at HM Land Registry with absolute title. Since thepurchase was completed, the following matters have come to light:(a)Quick Money Ltd claims that it has a legal mortgage over the land, granted by Fred threeyears ago. It says that, as instalments are now considerably in arrears, it wishes to enforceits security.(b)Eileen has produced a letter, signed by both her and Fred, in which Fred agreed to allowher to graze her goats over the land.(c)Albert, who owns adjoining land, has produced an old deed that prevents any industrialactivities taking place on Tim’s land.(d)Aidan, another adjoining landowner, says that he and his predecessors in title have used apath across Tim’s land for at least the last 100 years and that he has evidence to provethis.(e)Teresa claims that Fred allowed her to sit on the land to paint, and she hopes that Tim willcontinue to do so.Advise Tim on whether he is bound by any of these claims.