(THIS IS A BRIEF PRESENTATION OF THE JOURNAL THAT I WANT TO PUBLISH MY BOOK REVIEW IN JUST SO YOU HAVE AN IDEA.) is an academic collective interested in investigating the articulation of the numerous and heterogeneous representations which have been constructing images of the US. The research group’s work is focused on how the US—their history, society, and diverse cultures—have been represented in popular media and cultural products. The peculiarities of the American society can indeed be traced through the analysis of popular culture and multimodal cultural expressions, conveyed by means such as film, comics and graphic novels, TV and web series, videogames, music, books, and whatnot. The group will approach cultural products—as well as their publics and reception—from an intersectional, multidisciplinary standpoint and a diverse range of perspectives.
The fundamental interest of our group is to build a stimulating environment for any interested scholar, promoting the sharing of knowledge, experience, and ideas, across disciplines and thematic fields. A participative, interactive collaboration will be fostered, in particular allowing postgraduate and early career participants to receive feedback and support in an academic safe space.


producing, supporting, and disseminating research, as well as promoting events related to the group’s focus
fostering a space of academic sharing and learning for early career researchers and postgraduate students in North American studies


acknowledging and exploring contrasting images and narratives, their configurations and aims
deconstructing national storytelling by identifying its presence and investigating its narratives, variations, and receptions
examining the intersectional connections between identities, politics, and history, traceable in cultural
identifying minority and alternative perspectives in mainstream products, as well as studying the existence of alternative, counter-culture products and their distinctive aims and reception
engaging in theorizations and critical studies on the boundaries of popular culture expressions


genres in US popular culture: mainstream, alternative, and hybrid sub/genres
ethnic minorities in popular culture and the configuration of (intersectional) Otherness related to gender/class
the representation of specific linguistic/religious/gender/heritage etc. groups in the US popular media and culture (including mainstream, alternative, and self-representations)
symbol and myth: the articulation of American national ethos, myths, symbols and heroes, as well as the deconstruction of national storytelling and stereotyped narratives
(hi)storytelling: public history and the representation of US history for the non-specialized public
humor, satire, caricature, and mock-serious renditions of the US society
new forms of expression and self/representation: digital and new media
pop performance as a means of cultural expression and political positioning
the reception of popular culture products and their publics