Define the industry and assess its attractiveness for incumbents by conducting a five-forces analysis. (NOTE: YOU ONLY NEED TO ANALIZE THE THREAT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS) *SEE ATTACHMENT Industry Analysis Teaching Note FOR DETAILS ON SUBSTITUTE THREAT** – In doing so, identify ONE valuable problem associated with the industry’s structure. Ensure that you provide a clear and compelling argument to support your conclusions. The focal industry for this semester is listed below. The deliverable takes the form of an 250-word write-up (format single-spaced).

Focal Industry: Car Rental in the US: Analyze the industry structure in the pre-Covid period

The “point” of industry analysis is not simply to declare the industry attractive or unattractive but to understand the underpinnings of competition and the root causes of profitability at the industry level, and how it is (or might be) changing. While you need a clear statement of your industry attractiveness conclusion, your grade will be based on the quality of your five-forces analysis (AGAIN FOCUS ON SUBSTITUTE THREAT ONLY) that comes from understanding the mechanisms underlying competition, not simply from your general conclusion (e.g., attractiveness: low, med, high).

You need to use facts and cite sources.

Attached is the explanation of the five forces analysis framework. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS PAPER IS TO FOCUS ON THE THREAT OF SUBSTITUTION ONLY.

An example is an analysis of the buyer’s threat. You need to complete an analysis of the substitute threat. The paper is not an essay and does not need an introduction. Use the word count to support evidence of your claims
If you have questions please reach out. I expect an industry expert to complete this paper.