Based on your experience, your learning, and the readings, what, exactly, is an appropriate curriculum and assessment for students in K-12 schools? Feel free to speak broadly here about skills, dispositions, and/or content, or to get much more specific with a grade, age, or type of school. Just make sure whatever you write is supported with evidence from our primary texts, the brief excerpts from the Schiro text, and the controversy articles. Be sure to cite at least four of those sources in your response.

It is appropriate this reading post comes at the end. Ultimately, the question of what skills and knowledge to teach is of primary importance to educators. Thus, I encourage you to refer back to ideas from across the semester as well. After all, we have covered aspects of the historical purposes of schooling, the philosophical implications of education, and the importance of promoting human flourishing for diverse students–among other concepts.

Based on your experience as well as the readings, what, exactly, is an appropriate curriculum for K-12 schools? You can speak broadly here about skills, dispositions, and/or content, or you are welcome to focus on the micro-level, responding with a specific grade, age, or type of school in mind. Whether you focus macro- or micro-level, make sure whatever you state is supported with evidence from at least 3 of our 5 primary texts (Shiro, Au, Park, ANAR, Hutt & Schneider) and 1 of our 2 controversy texts.