Module 3 – Groups and Teams at Work                   SLP – MGT302

You will continue to use one of the following company duos for this assignment:

  • Option 1. Amazon and Zappos
  • Option 2. CVS and Walgreens

SLP Assignment

Review the background material, including the video about Tuckman’s steps for group formation. Begin the assignment by reading the Stretch (2016) reference as well as chapters 9 and 10 in the Organization Behavior textbook found below and on the Background page of this Module.

The focus of this assignment is on group (or team) formation to improve team performance and resolve group conflict. The easiest way to learn about this is to put a group or team together—but you must first decide if you need a group or a team.

MindToolsVideos. (2018, September 19). How to use SWOT analysis [Viedo file]. Retrieved from Standard YouTube License.

Research your selected company duo. Select the one company in that duo that you want to conduct a quick SWOT analysis on (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). Select one of the identified Weaknesses to develop a group or team that will conduct an investigation into a possible solution for the weakness.

Your 2-page essay will cover the following topics:

  1. Did you select to form a group or a team? (Explain the difference between them)
  2. What weakness did you select to research and why did you select it?
  3. What steps will you take to develop the right team to turn this weakness into a strength?
  4. What will you do if there are conflicts in the group?

The essay assignment calls for a paper that is 2 pages, not counting the cover and reference page.

Organizational behavior. (2017). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing Edition. Chapter 9 & 10. Retrieved from CC BY-NC-SA License.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Include a cover page and References page in your essay of 2-3 pages, not including the cover and reference pages.
  2. Study the Grading Rubric. Review it before, during, and after preparing your assignment submission.
  3. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the materials cited on the Background page. Supplement these with at least one relevant high-quality peer-reviewed source that you locate in the Trident Online Library.