Imagine that you are an administrator for a large hospital. Recently, your hospital has had shortages of staff in several areas. You have been asked to develop a job description and create an effective online job posting advertisement for a position of your choice. The most needed positions are RNs, LPNs, and direct patient care staff. Other needed positions are in the areas of operations, security, information technology, and nutritional services. You have been given the task of developing a job description and creating an online job advertisement for any position from the areas provided above. Make sure to include information that promotes your hospital as the ideal HCO due to tangible/intangible compensation (benefits, pensions, etc.). Please follow the instructions below to complete this multi-part assignment.

Part 1

Competency Assessed: Manage human resources to facilitate staff recruitment, retention, and supervision.


Job Description: Create a complete Job Description for the position that you selected. The job description should give potential candidates a clear outline and realistic preview of the job.

The Job Description must include the following sections:

Job title

Reporting relationships — direct and indirect

Educational and professional certification requirements

Thorough list of duties and responsibilities

Committee responsibilities and relating responsibilities

Desired behavioral characteristics

Salary range

Benefits and perks

Online Job Advertisement: Create a realistic online job posting for the position that you selected. The online job posting is the primary source for recruiting your selected position. You can create the advertisement in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, or as an Infographic. Your Online Job Advertisement must include the following information:

Job title

Concise job overview

Description of the employer

Clear statement of necessary qualifications

Compensation and benefits information

Directions outlining how to apply

Part 2

Competency Assessed: ensure compliance with employment laws.

Job Description: The Job Description must comply with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements. Ensure that the Job Description refrains from using language that references or shows a preference for or against an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetics.
Online Job Advertisement: The Online Job Advertisement must comply with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements. Ensure that the Online Job Advertisement refrains from using language that references or shows a preference for or against an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetics.

Part 3

Competency Assessed: Benchmark staff performance data incorporating labor analytics.Job Description: Incorporate current industry standards as it relates to the position. The Job Description should include information regarding performance relative to safety, quality, and care standards. The performance standards must align with current industry performance data for the position. Provide a reference page citing at least two benchmarking sources.
Online Job Advertisement: The Online Job Advertisement should include information regarding performance relative to safety, quality, and care standards.

Assignment Requirements

Please complete the Job Description in a Microsoft® Word® document.
The Online Advertisement may be created in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint®, or Microsoft Publisher®.
Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
Students must cite and reference at least 2 credible sources from a credible industry source.