Students will receive 150 points for writing a 4-5 page literature review on a research associated with the intimate partner violence (IVP). This review should focus on detection methods and how to clinically evaluate couple risk factors, and how to treat couples struggling with intimate partner violence. The paper should contain the following headers:

(1) Rates of domestic violence or intimate partner violence in the United States,

(2) Risks factors associated with IVP,

(3) IVP detection methods used in couple and family therapy, and

(4) Treatment recommendations for couples experiencing IVP including the role of safety planning. This section should also include any community-based referrals that could provide additional support for victims of IVP.

In addition to the chapter 14 in Clinical Handbook of Couple Therapy, at least 5 peer-reviewed sources will be cited.


Rates of IPV- Student provides demographics regarding rates of IVP in the US: Includes (1) Gender differences, (2) Ethnic differences, (3) Socioeconomic differences, and (4) Levels of violence by gender. Student has all 4 categories

Risk Factors- Student identifies 4 risk factors discussed in the IVP literature

IVP Detection Methods- Student identifies 4 detection tools which include psychological assessments for risk factors, specific assessment questions, and other tools described in the IVP literature

Treatment Recommendations- Student describes 2 treatment recommendations – one for incorporating IVP treatment into treatment with a couple and one for separation and potential divorce. Student describes secrets policy for having individual sessions with each partner. Provides 3 community-based referrals.

Structure, Grammar, and Formatting- The length of paper is at least 4 pages, with 12-point font and 1” margins on all sides; Few APA errors; 5 peer review resources used.