1. Report Requirement

Write an individual executive report addressing the key issues relevant to one of the two topics below. The length of the executive report must be one page maximum excluding all appendix and references. Your work should appear professionally produced in terms of the quality and currency of the data, analysis and conclusions drawn.

2. Topic Selection
You are required to select and write about one of the two report topics given below:

1. Entering a new market overseas: For this topic, you are required to undertake appropriate research, select a case company, and prepare a report to critically assess its key success factor(s) of entering a foreign market (i.e. one country). You are encouraged to provide relevant future recommendations for the company in the new market.

2. Failure in a foreign market: For this topic, you are required to undertake appropriate research, select a case company, and prepare a report to critically assess its main reason(s) for failure in a foreign market (i.e. one country). You are also encouraged to provide valid and relevant recommendations for re-entering the same market.

Key pointers relating to the two topics:
• Choose only one company in one foreign country
• Undertake thorough literature research to determine a suitable case
• Must ensure to apply (aspects of) IB models/theories/concepts in your analysis (e.g. PESTLE framework, diamond model, resource-based view etc).
• Ensure the recommendations proposed are well-justified and relevant.
• The executive report should be precise and concise, analytical and descriptive information is kept at minimum.

3. Recommended Report Structure

1. Report Title
2. Introduction (keep it short)
3. Analysis of the company’s market entry in a foreign country (keep it precise and concise).

4. Future recommendation
5. References

4. Submission Requirement

When submitting the report, you must adhere to the following items:

• You must submit via SurreyLearn ONLY (under Assignment Turinitin Folder where it is clearly marked “Individual Report”)
• Only submissions made on time are accepted and marked.
• Submissions via other means will not be graded and therefore no mark will be given.
• When submitting the report, you must:
a) make sure when uploading the file, it is named after your full name (surname followed by first name, e.g. Zhao, Shasha) and followed by your student number.
• You should present your report professionally by following the instructions below:
1. the report title in full (on top of the page or in header)
2. ensure the report is one page long (excluding references and Appendix)

1. use the font size 11 or 12
2. word document ONLY (no PDFs or other formats are allowed)
3. put all all charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc in Appendix
4. use Harvard referencing style ONLY for references

Please note: it is your responsibility to make sure a backup copy is always made available in case of PC or network failure.

5. Coursework Feedback
Informal feedback can be sought via email, arranged zoom meetings, and during on-campus sessions. Formal feedback and marks for individual coursework will be available within 15 working days following submissions (Please note: this excludes public holidays and school holiday periods).

6. Marking Guideline

• Theoretical understanding of key concepts/frameworks/models
• Critical application of theoretical knowledge
• Quality of case study chosen
• Development of argument
• Overall presentation


Which markets to enter

When to enter these markets

What is the scale of entry

Entry Modes:
Joint Ventures
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries