MGMT20005 Business Decision Analysis Assignment 2: Group AssignmentPage 1Introduction: This is a groupassignment of up to 2 students from the same tutorial group. You are allowed to form a group with students of the same tutor. Note that if the group is formed with students of different tutors, you will receive zero mark for this assignment. You can also complete your assignment individually, if you wish.Weight:25% of the total grade. Format: pdf (or word) file + ExcelworksheetDue date:5pm, Friday October 30, 2020. Submission: Only one submission is required for each group. Make sure you include the names and student numbers for all team members!Late submissions: will attract a marking penalty when approval for late submission has not been given. The mark awarded will be reduced by 10% for each day the work is late. Assignments submitted later than 7 days after the due date will not be marked and will receive no marks. Word limit:2000. The total length of the report (or executive summary) is a maximum of 2,000 words (excluding figures, tables, references, and appendices). The assignment must be word processed in 12-point type and double-spaced.Assignment Details: This assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate that you can effectively analyse business decision problems, apply mathematical modelling approaches such as Linear Programming or Integer Programming to solve the problems. You must master Excel ‘Add-In’ features such as Solver to obtain the optimal solutions, generate a sensitivity analysis report, and suggest courses of action for management. After reading the Case study, answer the following questions:1.Demonstrate how this decision problem can be optimised.2.How does the optimal solution differ from the original allocation? What are the benefits?3.Can Northwest save money through freight rate discounts on volumes larger than 100,000 tonnes? If so, how much?4.Should 58,000 tonnes per year machine at Naomee Mills be converted to groundwoodspecialties? 5.Can you recommend specific ‘delivery swap’ arrangement to improve Northwest’s bottom line?Report description: Prepare an executive report that includes the following sections:• Introduction – description of the business optimisation problem, etc. • Methodology – description and illustration of the mathematical modelling approach for the problem.

MGMT20005 Business Decision Analysis Assignment 2: Group AssignmentPage 2• Implementation – formulation of the problem by using the LP or IP models, application of the Excel Solver to optimise the mathematical model, and execution of the sensitivity analysis. • Discussions and Conclusions – suggestions for courses of action to the selected company as well as the evaluation of the mathematical models that you build. • References (if any, and if so, please use APA referencing style) • Appendix (if required)