You need to fill in two maps and then answer questions below on a separate page. (link attached for maps)

Practice divergent thinking on your own. You will make two (2) mind maps (consult text for the definition of mind map). For the first map, put you in the center and map out, or brainstorm, the issues, topics, and behaviors you are passionate about. On the map, show the connections between the passions. Think about if your passions have connections, or how they may influence one another.

For the second map, pick one of these passions. This passion will now be in the middle. Map out the things that this passion affects. For example, my passions are nature, education, dancing, psychology, reading, and my dog. If I pick nature to map, perhaps nature encompasses environmental issues, flora and fauna, and environmental philosophies like conservation. It also affects the government, my family, and the larger community. From these points, continue to map out other connections. For example, I can further map out conservation to include air pollution, water pollution, landfills, etc. Notice how far your connections go. Can you connect one part of your map to another passion from the first map? I can connect land conservation back to education. How would more education impact conservation? How would more conservation education impact the rest of my map?

Once you have completed both maps, make them into images and imbed them in a discussion post. Explain your maps to your colleagues and discuss the connections you observed while making the maps. Did you observe anything you did not expect?