Welcome to the Core Assessment Presentation! This part of the course requires a bit more creative thinking than the previous activities, and will help you write the Core Assessment Paper as well.

For the good company, you should try to figure out how the policy, program, or practice they had could be spread to other companies in the industry of the company or outside the industry. What kind of outreach or marketing could the company do to help make its ethical choices more part of the norm for business as a whole? Note that this isn’t just about other companies replicating the policy or program, it’s about what the ethical company could do to help spread the word.

Guidelines for the Core Assessment Presentation
For the second half of the core assessment in this course, you have to prepare a multimedia presentation about a company and its ethical or unethical practices.

Multimedia presentations don’t have to be PowerPoint presentations. But since everyone needs to be able to view your presentation in this course I’m asking you to make a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should cover it exactly the same areas with the same structure that the paper has: first you should present about what the company does and it’s history, second you should write about the incident that you believe makes the company ethical or unethical, and third you should analyze the incident and tell us what makes it ethical or unethical. Finally, for a good company, you should present on how the ethical practice, policy, or program(s) can be spread to other companies and/or industries. For a bad company, you should present on how to prevent the unethical incident from happening again (or happening in the first place).

Since this is an online course, of course you won’t be presenting to a physical classroom. But you’re not just handing in a PowerPoint presentation either. You should devise some way of leading your audience from slide to slide. The easiest way to do that is to use PowerPoint’s “Narration” feature that let’s you talk a little bit about each slide as you’re going through it. Read more about how to use that feature here: (Links to an external site.) .

Here are some additional suggestions for your presentation:
It should be 4-7 minutes long.
It should feature text and images.
It should include your references on the last slide.
It should include narration that illustrates and expands on the information in your slides.
It should all be in your own words. Just like a paper, taking information from the web and presenting it without quotes or citations as your own words constitutes plagiarism and failure for the course.
Accomplishing this technical task will result in an acceptable PowerPoint presentation, but not necessarily a good one. Here are some guidelines for creating a good PowetPoint presentation:

Don’t cram tons of text onto a slide; 3-4 bullet points is a good guide.
Don’t use scary/flashy/annoying transitions between slides unless you really know what you’re doing.
Do rehearse your presentation a couple of times.
Do not read straight from your slides.
Try to make the information in your presentation come from the commentary on your slides, not the slides themselves.