You will write an essay of a minimum of 850 words answering ONE of these questions:

Can you explain what is gender and how is gender “done”?
What is intersectionality? Why is it important?
What is patriarchy? What are the different feminist approaches of patriarchy?
What is feminism? Why do we need it?
Your essay has to address ONE of these questions from a sociological perspective and mainly based on the course material -readings, lectures, films and class discussions-.

Reading list that you can use for your personal research and your essay:
-Bilge, Sirma and Collins, Patricia Hill. 2016. Intersectionality. Wiley.
-Collins, Patricia Hill. 2000. Black Feminist Thought. Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics
of Empowerment. Routledge.
-Disch, Estelle. 2009. Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology. McGraw-Hill.
-Holmes, Mary. 2007. What is Gender? Sociological Approaches. Sage Publications.
-hooks, bell. 2000. Feminism is for everybody: passionate politics. South End Press.
-Kimmel, Michael, Kaler, Amy and Aronson, Amy (eds). 2015. The Gendered Society Reader.
Oxford University Press.
-Linda, Lindsay L. 2005. Gender roles: a sociological perspective. Pearson Education.
-Lorde, Audre. 1984. Sister Outsider. Essays and Speeches.Ten Speed Press.
-Moraga, Cherríe & Anzaldúa, Gloria (eds). (1981) 2002. This Bridge Called my Back. Writings
by Radical Women of Color. (Persephone Press) Third Women Press