Answer the following question. be sure to include and analyze at least 2 quotes from the texts—these quotes should be analyzed to help support your argument, so be sure to make the link clear. You can draw on any course materials to help answer the questions.

Papers should be DOUBLE-SPACED, with 1-INCH MARGINS, and 12-POINT TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT (or equivalent). Papers should be 4-5 PAGES LONG, not counting citations. Be sure to identify which question you are answering at the top of the page, and please include a works cited page that references all the sources you used for your paper.

2. Choose at least two plays (including at least one play you have not yet written about this semester) and offer a theory of politics based on your reading of these plays. What are the important elements of political life, as evidenced in the plays? How do these plays help you support your argument about these element?