Using the project management case study, develop a project charter (use headings) of three to four pages (no more than four pages). In addition to the course textbook, research two additional resources. In your charter,
• Summarize the project’s scope and limitations.
• Propose a business case for the project.
o Address how the project will enable the corporate strategy.
o Address how the project will apply corporate social responsibility (CSR) values.
o Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) for the project business case. (Use Microsoft Excel to derive the NPV assuming the data below—submit an Excel spreadsheet as an appendix:
 Purchase price of $400,000.
 One-time project costs total of $100,000 spent in Year 0.
 Net benefits after taxes of $150,000 per year for five years.
 Salvage value for Year 6 and beyond of $400,000.)
o Summarize your results of NPV in the paper and refer to the Appendix.
• Develop a milestone schedule that includes five to seven element
o Use the case study to derive the milestones. If the case is lacking, feel free to include a solution or milestone that you think Walmart would value.
• Predict the risks, threats, and opportunities of the project.
• Outline resources needed for the project.
• Develop your plan to form a high-performing project team.
• Identify five important groups of stakeholders.