You have just been promoted to the marketing manager of international corporation. You remember in your marketing classes that intellectual property, specifically trademarks and service marks, are very important intellectual property that must be protected to ensure that your firm does not infringe on anyone else’s marks. The courts have determined there are a broad range of trademarks and service marks. As the marketing manager, you need to be aware that parts of brand names or other forms of product identification may qualify for trademark protection. Then address the following:

Choose any intellectual property, such as patent, trademark, service mark, copyright, etc. and define and discuss.
Next, discuss when your company should protect this type of intellectual property and how you protect it.
Lastly, search the internet and library, and provide at least one example of how you could pursue legal action if an international business committed an intellectual property infringement.
Describe how this would affect the manner in which U.S. businesses would conduct business in that foreign country.