1. Consider the assertion: “Judges can distinguish between good science/scientific evidence and junk science/scientific evidence to accurately determine evidence admissibility thanks to cases like Frye and Daubert (and the latter’s ‘progeny,’ General Electric and Kumho).”

a. Do you agree or disagree?

b. Do you think that the standards set forth in these court cases are enough to prevent “junk” science from entering the courtroom and being introduced in a trial? Why or why not?

c. What standards would you add to the current evidence admissibility standards set forth in Daubert to make evidence admissibility requirements more robust? Explain why you would add each of these additional standards.

2. Consider the assertion: “The Federal Rules of Evidence, specifically Article VII, will prevent individuals from providing opinions/testimony beyond their area of expertise.”

a. Do you agree or disagree?

b. Do you think that the standards set forth in The Federal Rules of Evidence are enough to prevent an individual, whether a detective or a scientist, from testifying outside of their expertise? Why or why not?

c. What standards would you add to the current expert witness standards set forth in The Federal Rules of Evidence to prevent individuals from testifying beyond their scope of expertise?

3. Think about what we have addressed throughout the semester regarding “The Status of Forensic Science”—we have covered topics including skill requirements for forensic scientists/criminalists/investigators; problems with crime scene investigations; concerns with police and prosecutorial involvement; and the causes of wrongful convictions.

a. Based on what you have learned this semester, what is your biggest concern in the field?

b. What more would you like to see done to improve forensic science/criminalistics?

c. Considering the six contributing causes of wrongful convictions, which one do you think requires the most attention in order to improve the criminal justice system? Why?

Must be 400 words and must use APA formatting for citations. Please number all answers.