The paper will include six paragraphs (no extra space between paragraphs, just regular double space),
matching the six questions below about the article attached “Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind.” Answer every question and make it clear and explicit which
question you are answering by labeling the paragraph for each question. Do this by either putting the
number of the question at the beginning of the paragraph or by making a heading with the question
before each paragraph. Within your paper, clearly address and answer EACH of the following six
1. What is the basic question the paper addressed?
2. What did the authors predict?
3. Who were the participants (number, gender, age, ethnicity if given)?
4. What measures and procedures did the researchers use to test their prediction?
5. What were the main results (not every one, but the major ones) and did the results
confirm or disconfirm the prediction?
6. What is one limitation of the study? (e.g., sample was too small, measures were not
reliable or valid, did not consider alternative explanations, etc.)