Buildingan effective communication systemSituation: You are the newly hiredsenior managerof an internationalservice provider firm(800+ employees) assignedto assist the CEO Mr. Johnson to strategise, communicate and implement an effectivecommunicationfor the company.The firm is situated in the Netherlandsandcomprises diverse employees coming from differentcultural backgrounds. The firm has been operating for 5 years andhas a well-established organizationalculture. It provides service not only in the Netherlands, but overseas as well. However,due to the current situation caused by COVID19, the company is forced to come up with and implement some important changes that will affect most of the employees. The changes will be mostly associated with employee’sworkload,their movement intodifferent departmentsand new administrative work. These changesmight cause anger and dissatisfactionamongthe employeeswho have signed a specific task sheetwhen hired. In addition, these changes may affect the customer’relationship with the firm sincemuch of thework will be delayed or negatively affected.Customers have always had a timely and qualitative service,which might be at risk at present. Mr. Johnson isasking you tounderstand and support these changes in order to adapt to the situation and save the firmfrom failure. You have understood the situation, butit is your task to design and communicate these changes to your employeesand customers. This whole procedure needs to be accomplished within a restricted period of time to keep the pace of the workflow and not get stuck. Your goal is to make employees and customers understand and integrate the changes in everyday work. Assignmentcomprises 2 parts(both parts are a must to pass the module):Part 1 A video. As the senior manager of the firm, analyse the situation and designan effective strategy tocommunicate the changes to your employeesin an effective approach. In order to be as effective as possible, consider the aims and objectives of the moduleto cover all the main pointsas well as the examples used during the teaching sessions.

1.The video needs to be between 5-7 minwhere you will be the protagonist. Do not exceed this timeframe,otherwise your submission will fail.Every point on your video needs to be critically analysed to be convincing.

2.Consider the dressing code when performing.

3.Youwill need to insert in your communication plan some notes on how to communicate with customers in order to align with the changes. Part 2Submit a reflectivepaperof 500-700 words analysing the major challengesof the communication strategyencounteredasa manger.

a)What were your strongest points as a manger?

b)What were your weakest points as a manager?

c)If you had to repeat the experience, what could you do differently tocreatean effective communication plan?Use credible sources to sustain your theories!