The U.N. has asked that your paper contain three sections. Each section should be one page (or approximately 300 words) in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. It also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions.

Provide an introduction of half a page minimum that addresses points 1–5 below:

Explain the problem the U.N. has asked you to address in your own words.
Identify the three sections your paper will cover.
Identify the developing country you will consider. Haiti
Tell the U.N. the causes of food insecurity.
Provide a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph.
Section I. Background
What is food insecurity?
What role does population growth play in food security?
Section II. Technologies That Can Reduce Hunger and Improve Food Security
What forms of technology can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security?
How would these technological solutions work?
What causes of food insecurity do these technologies address?
Section III. Specific Factors in Chosen Developing Country
Considering the causes of food insecurity, what factors interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in the developing country you selected?
Provide a conclusion of half a page minimum that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions.