Advanced Cloud Penetration Testing and Forensics Assessment Instructions

Activity Instructions

Using the Carbanak cyber gang presentation in Moodle (week-12):

  1. A) In a group assigned by the lecturer protect a new community bank (C2-17). This is a fresh start-up and is a greenfield site. You will be given elements of the network and must come up with a design – and present it to the rest of the class – 10 min presentation time.
  2. B) Consider the following scenario:
  • Perimeter Design: Standard network, company offers Mail and Web services via the internet. On location, they have a publicly available Wi-Fi for the customers use.  (the private network on the powerpoint)
  • Each Team come up with a list of solutions that could have helped mitigate attacks of this nature.
  • Consider defence strategies based upon existing knowledge
  • Evaluate perimeter defences and deploy appropriate solution
  • Synthesize the firewall rules-based Traffic type, ingress, egress and action (deny or allow).

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Presenting Your Work

You should submit your work in a word-processed document, e.g. MS Word, LibreOffice Writer, etc.

There is a limit of minimum 1000 words, excluding any references or appendices, for this portfolio element.

You can choose how to write your document.  However, given the modest word limit, you may find it useful to use a tabular layout for your analysis

Your document must also state: 1) the module number and title; 2) the assessment number and title; 3) your student number.  This work will be marked anonymously.

The module guide contains further guidance on the presentation of your work.

Expected Number of Sources

Require the use of at least four academic research resources, this include recent scholarly research and recently published scientific books, to avoid plagiarism, any external material used in your work must be appropriately referenced and cited.  Please see the module guide for more information.

Submitting Your Work

You must upload your work using the Turnitin submission link on the Moodle page for this module.

Specific Assessment Criteria

This assessment will be graded against the University of Bolton’s “General Assessment Criteria for Written Assessments Level HE7”.  These are provided in the module.

Recommend remedies for compromised cloud systems.

Explain the extent and impact of an attack using a forensic approach.