Prepare a seven (7) to ten (10) minute audio/video presentation as an executive summary of your 8.3 – Research Project: Final Submission (PLG1).

You will also provide either a presentation outline, script, or speaker notes. Use this document to guide your presentation. Include the following:

Introduction – attention getter with the hook and also an introduction to the central idea.
Body – statement of the purpose:
An introduction of the chosen leaders.
A short synopsis of what made the selected leaders effective or ineffective.
Conclusion – summary of points and final thoughts:
What was the intended achievement for the research project?
What message do you want to convey to the audience?
Review the Presentation Outline/Script/Speaker Notes Guide for additional details on completing this portion of your assignment.

Ensure you have incorporated feedback from your various Research Project submissions, applying suggested changes.

Review the attached Research Project Presentation Rubric for grading criteria and the Research Project page for details on completing this assignment.

MGMT 371 9.3 Research Project: Video Presentation Rubric
MGMT 371 9.3 Research Project: Video Presentation Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAdherence to Requirement
40.0 pts
Excellent A
(40 – 36) Covered all elements of assignment. Demonstrated in-depth understanding or interpretation of the systems nature of the topic. Demonstrates that the student has gained a new understanding of the topic.
35.75 pts
Above Average B
(35.75 – 32) Covered all elements of assignment. Demonstrated understanding of the systems nature of the topic.
31.75 pts
Average C
(31.75 – 28) Presented some, but not all elements of assignment. Demonstrated some understanding of systems nature of topic.
27.75 pts
Near Failing D
(27.75 – 24) Missed many elements of assignment. Demonstrated little understanding of the systems nature of the topic.
23.75 pts
Failing F
(23.75 – 0) Missed many elements of assignment. Demonstrated little evidence of understanding of systems nature of topic; offered mostly opinions, feeling, expressions.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLevel of Scholarship
40.0 pts
Excellent A
(40 – 36) Synthesized, analyzed, and evaluated ideas or issues from the relevant course material as they related to the topic. The analysis demonstrates thorough knowledge above course material.
35.75 pts
Above Average B
(35.75 – 32) Synthesized, analyzed, and evaluated ideas or issues from the relevant course material as they related to the topic.
31.75 pts
Average C
(31.75 – 28) Synthesized some directly appropriate ideas or issues from the class discussion as the related to the topic.
27.75 pts
Near Failing D
(27.75 – 24) Restated general ideas or issues from the relevant course material as related to the topic. Showed little evidence of analysis or evaluation.
23.75 pts
Failing F
(23.75 – 0) Presented unsupported opinion or unrelated ideas in relation to course material. Showed little evidence of analysis or evaluation.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting, Grammar, Punctuation, and Style
10.0 pts
Excellent A
(10 – 9) Well written with no errors. Presented in proper APA format including spacing, citations, margins, headers.
8.75 pts
Above Average B
(8.75 – 8) Written with few errors. Presented in APA format including spacing, citations, margins, headers.
7.75 pts
Average C
(7.75 – 7) Contains few spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Written in general APA format including spacing, citations, margins, headers.
6.75 pts
Near Failing D
(6.75 – 6) ) Contains numerous spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors. Does not follow general APA format.
5.75 pts
Failing F
(5.75 – 0) Contains numerous spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors. Little to no adherence to general APA format.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Organization and Clarity
10.0 pts
Excellent A
(10 – 9) Skillfully related main points to the purpose and each other. Organization of ideas aided listeners understanding and retention. Used good transitions throughout which aided flow and helped listener. Rich in detail. Information is accurate.
8.75 pts
Above Average B
(8.75 – 8) Main points related to purpose and each other. Organization of ideas was more than adequate. Used mechanical transitions. An above average number of main points.
7.75 pts
Average C
(7.75 – 7) Main points related to purpose and each other. Organization of ideas was adequate. Used mechanical transitions. An adequate number of main points.
6.75 pts
Near Failing D
(6.75 – 6) Main points are not related to purpose and each other. Organization of ideas not clear. Lacking or have weak transitions.
5.75 pts
Failing F
(5.75 – 0) Main points are not related to purpose and each other; organization not clear; lacking or weak transitions.
10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
I uplofktad 8.3 research project final submission