a) With reference to Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual theory, explain how children’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic may influence their personality development. (Do not exceed 2 pages, l.5 spacing). [10 marks]
b) Illustrate with examples, the conflicting roles that the id, ego and superego may play regarding the adherence to COVID-19 protocols. (Do not exceed 1 page, l.5 spacing).
[6 marks]
c) Identify and explain two defence mechanisms that some individuals may be using to cope with the changes which resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. Provide examples to support your answers. (Do not exceed 1 page, l.5 spacing). [6marks]
Question 2
With reference to Piaget’s Moral Development Theory, compare and contrast the behaviours that the children at the Morality of Constraint and Morality of Cooperation stages may exhibit during the COVID-19 Pandemic period. (Do not exceed 2 pages, l.5 spacing). [10 marks]
**Note: Writing Mechanics – 3 marks; APA Referencing and Citation – 2 marks; Paper Structure – 3 marks

Clearly write your ID number, the course code and title on the front page of your paper. Submit your answers as a word document file using the appropriate online submission drop box. Make sure you submit before the deadline – Friday, December 18, 2020, 9.00pm.
This assignment has two questions – Question 1 (a, b. c ) and Question 2. You must answer all of them. Conduct independent (online) research especially on the COVID- 19 Pandemics, beyond the basic material covered in the lectures and blend these with the lecture materials and your reflections.
Please make sure you carefully read the questions before attempting to answer them.
Keep your answers focused and succinct; demonstrate a thorough understanding of the concepts and issues. Use examples to illustrate the points you make. All responses will be checked for plagiarism, please make sure your answers are your own! Pay close attention to referencing in APA format (7th edition), citing at least eight authors and referenced in this assignment. This assignment is worth 40 marks. The length of the assignment (both questions 1&2) is between 2000 and 2500 words (excluding References and Appendix), 1.5 spacinfktg, 12-point Times New Roman.