Directions: Respond to the following prompt. You must include a standard introduction, conclusion, and analytical insights. Be careful to stay away from simple summary—make sure you use specific details from the text (in the form of citations = page numbers) and explain how the quote you have used supports your assertions. A good suggestion is to follow the A (assertion) E (evidence) C (commentary) method. The paper you turn in must be:

*One and a Half – Two Pages (two full pages)
*Times New Roman 12pt font
* If you use sources in addition to the text, you must include a works cited page

Your prompt:

One of the major debates about this novel is whether or not Huck grows as a character. Using examples from the novel, discuss your opinion on this. In other words, do you think that Huck experiences growth? You MUST explain your answer using relevant quotes from the book. (Don’t forget to cite your source(s). Your answer must not be vague. BONUS HINT: In order to answer this question well, be sure to discuss events throughout the book, and not just the beginning and ending.